Sustainable Farming

We believe sustainable farming is our responsibility to protect the life of the soil. The quick answer on how to do this is by utilizing a no till practice. We use best practices to minimize any disturbance to the life beneath the surface. They may be small creatures but they are mighty in the big picture.


By definition this is the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism. We are surrounded by forests, lakes, wetlands, and fields. They are the homes to many animals and plants that are rare in this corner of the commonwealth. We are blessed to live in an area that is designated as an “Important Bird Area” by the National Audubon Society. And an “Important Mammal Area” by the PA Game Commission. And we can’t forget Pine Swamp that is a State Park Natural Area.

I share all of this to say that it is very important to us that we do as little disruption as possible to all the natural habitats surrounding us.

Circle of Life on a Farm

We try to use our own farm output (waste) as input (life) to other areas. This is called compost! Nothing goes to waste here.

We allow all of the animals to free range and have unlimited access to seasonal pasture.

We provide native plants in our fields and gardens to allow the pollinators to do their very important work. And we try to educate our customers on the benefits of native gardens.

We do not plant or sell any flowers on PA’s invasive list.

Our family works the land as naturally as possible. We believe that is what is best for our farm.

Thankful for our customers…we expanded our field!